Sep 23, 2011 | Blog, Security
While some businesses have tried to address the inherent dangers of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook by blocking all access to those sites on their corporate networks, many are finding that to be an imperfect solution. First, there are legitimate reasons...
Sep 22, 2011 | Blog, Managed Services
This week, members of the Austin tech community expressed some concern about the police department’s proposed “Operation Wardrive” which was to have taken place today. The purpose of the operation was to look for open WiFi connections and to educate...
Sep 20, 2011 | Blog, Disaster Recovery
You may recently have heard a story on National Public Radio about the fact that the Federal Government has declared disaster areas in all but two of the contiguous 48 states so far this year. Wildfires here in Texas, combined with drought; hurricanes on the east...
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