Sep 20, 2011 | Blog, Disaster Recovery
You may recently have heard a story on National Public Radio about the fact that the Federal Government has declared disaster areas in all but two of the contiguous 48 states so far this year. Wildfires here in Texas, combined with drought; hurricanes on the east...
Jul 14, 2011 | Blog, Medical
A new technology enables California doctors to watch pregnant mothers’ contractions in real time on their iPads. KNTV’s Marianne Favro reports.
Jul 13, 2011 | Blog, Painkillers
Here is a handy reference from Microsoft of keyboard shortcuts you can use in Word. For those who do a lot of writing, these can save you a lot of time and mousework.
Jul 13, 2011 | Blog, CRM/xRM
Check out this article from on alternatives to Salesforce. It’s a good product, but not your only choice.
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