Jun 26, 2013 | Blog, Disaster Recovery, Interesting, Managed Services, Professional Services, Security
Before you select a doctor, dentist or any type of health care provider, chances are that you do your research first. You want to know how long they have been in their profession and learn their career accomplishments. So wouldn’t it make sense to do your research on...
May 1, 2013 | Blog, Interesting, IT By Design, Managed Services, Professional Services, Uncategorized
When choosing an IT provider, it is ideal that your chosen one works in all industries, and especially the industry you work in. Because of our decades of experience at Avende, we have learned best practices across different industries. In addition to general business...
Apr 5, 2013 | Interesting, Uncategorized
It’s something you see on every IT provider’s website — their “partners.” They list multiple names and give descriptions, but what do these partners mean to your business? Are the benefits listed ones you’re currently getting from your provider? At Avende we partner...
Mar 8, 2013 | Blog, Professional Services, Security, Solutions
Whether you’re a large company with 50 clients or a smaller establishment representing five, there’s nothing more important than customer satisfaction. When evaluating your clients, can you recall what accounts have been recently updated or modified? When did you...
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